02-02-25 RSO diablo eharmony (TRWC 2nd) News AM

Good morning! Today, we’re covering a potential Dogecoin ETF that could take meme coins mainstream and a rare flower in Brooklyn that’s drawing crowds—for all the wrong reasons. Let’s dive in.

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Top News

Bitwise Seeks SEC Approval for Dogecoin ETF—Will Meme Coins Go Mainstream?

The cryptocurrency world is buzzing after Bitwise filed for SEC approval of a Dogecoin ETF. If approved, this move could legitimize meme coins on Wall Street, opening the door for more mainstream investment. Some experts see this as an inevitable step forward, while skeptics argue it’s a sign of financial markets embracing high-risk speculation.

Will regulators give meme coins the green light, or will Dogecoin remain the internet’s favorite joke currency?

Rare ‘Corpse Flower’ Draws Crowds in Brooklyn—And a Terrible Smell

A rare ‘corpse flower’ has bloomed at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, attracting visitors eager to witness its once-in-a-decade event. Known for its putrid odor—often compared to rotting meat—the massive plant is both fascinating and repulsive.

Botanists say its scent is designed to attract pollinators, but humans? Not so much.

Economic Watch

Mortgage rates dipped slightly this week, but affordability remains a major issue for homebuyers. Meanwhile, consumer spending has slowed, signaling caution amid economic uncertainty.

Since the election, gold prices have skyrocketed. Optimism about Trump’s influence is high, but let’s face the brutal truth: our national debt crisis is like shutting the barn door after the horse has bolted.

Here’s the thing: amid spiraling debt and looming inflation, gold remains steadfast. It’s not just about survival; it’s about thriving when others might falter.

Why should you care? Because it’s not every day that you get a no-cost, no-obligation opportunity to protect your financial health.

I’m not just talking about buying gold. I’m talking about understanding why it’s essential. The guide is totally free, and there’s absolutely no obligation to buy. You owe it to yourself to at least check this out. At the very least, you’ll be better informed about safeguarding your assets.

Don’t just stand by and watch. Gold isn’t just a crisis commodity; it’s a proactive step toward financial resilience.

Cartoon of the Day

Quote of The Day

"Government's first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives."

– Ronald Reagan

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