02-13-24 RSO (Irollie) News AM

Today’s News!

Good morning! Today, we’re covering the latest budget showdown in the House—why is cutting taxes always a fight? Plus, Israel is backing Trump’s tough demand that Hamas release all hostages by Saturday. Let’s get into it.

When my patients come to me with blood pressure higher than 120/80… I tell them to start drinking this hydrating green juice every morning:

You can buy bucketfuls of these ingredients for less than $3.

Yet one 74-year-old patient who started drinking it daily…

Dropped his BP numbers from 150/80… down to 116/76.

He didn’t start exercising, adjust his diet, or change his meds.

All he did was start drinking this juice every morning at 6am.

(And it probably saved his life.)

As a medical doctor for over 22 years, I tell all my high BP patients:

>> This is the #1 best juice to lower your blood pressure by up to 34 points.

To your good health,

Dr. Rick Cohen

Top News

House GOP’s Budget Battle—Why Is Cutting Taxes So Hard?

The Republican-led House is trying to push through tax cuts, but you’d think they were trying to land a rocket on Mars with all the Democrat outrage. While conservatives fight to put more money back into Americans’ pockets, the left continues to cry about "budget shortfalls"—all while demanding more spending on wasteful programs.

Why is common sense economic policy always a battle in Washington?

Israel Backs Trump’s Demand—Hamas Given Hostage Deadline

The Israeli cabinet isn’t playing games, backing Trump’s demand that Hamas release all hostages by Saturday or face the consequences. While the Biden administration fumbled through weak diplomatic efforts, Trump has made it clear—Hamas either complies, or Israel will take decisive action.

The clock is ticking—will Hamas fold under pressure, or will they push Israel to act?

Economic Watch

As tax cut negotiations heat up, markets react cautiously. Investors remain optimistic, but all eyes are on the Federal Reserve’s next move on interest rates.

Cartoon of the Day

Quote of The Day

"Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it."

– Ronald Reagan

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