02-26-25 RSO RAV Goldco AM


Hey folks, Dennis Quaid here.

Here’s the thing: life doesn’t come with guarantees. The economy shifts, markets stumble, and years of hard work could slip through your fingers like sand.

Should it happen again—what’s your plan?

Think back just a few years. Inflation wasn’t the monster it feels like today. Prices made sense. The future felt steady.

But today? It’s a different story. Groceries cost more. Gas went up. And rising costs chip away at the value of your retirement savings every day.

But you don’t have to sit on the sidelines:
You’ve seen what happens when folks don’t prepare. It gets ugly. Savings accounts drain faster than expected, plans get downgraded, and peace of mind turns to heart-racing anxiety.

But it doesn’t have to be that way for you.


So request a free copy of this Retirement Diversification Guide that will arrive right to your doorstep when you act now.

You’ll find simple, actionable strategies to help safeguard your savings, help protect against inflation, and help build a more secure retirement—boiled down into a few powerful steps you can act on immediately.

No fluff, no gimmicks—just the insights you need to make a confident decision for you and your family’s future.

The choice is simple: take action now, or you may risk looking back wishing you had.

It’s free, it’s easy, and it could make all the difference.

God bless you, and here’s to your future.



Actor, Singer, Musician

Goldco, 24025 Park Sorrento, Suite 210, Calabasas, CA, 91302, United States

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"The American taxing structure, the purpose of which is to keep our country strong, ought not to be warped into a straightjacket restraining the productivity of our people.”

– Dwight D.

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