03-02-25 RSO Slibe PM

Today’s News!

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Melania Trump has made a respectable name for herself as one of America's most respected icons. She is also known for speaking her mind.

In an exclusive interview Melania Trump exposes shocking secret. She went on to say that she honestly didn't expect things to get this big...

Here is what she said: "I know this is a subject that many people don't want to talk about, but..."

Top News

Trump Shuts Down 110 IRS Offices—Goodbye, Tax Tyranny

A former Obama ICE honcho just handed Trump a gold star, admitting his border crackdowns scared off illegals like nobody’s business—conservatives are crowing, loving how even a lefty insider’s forced to confess Trump’s wall and grit sent a loud “no trespassing” message that worked.

Trump Slices 90 USAID Contracts—America First Wins

The Trump crew’s slashing 90 USAID foreign aid deals, redirecting cash from overseas handouts to American soil—conservatives are fist-bumping, loving how this gut-punch to globalist giveaways proves MAGA’s back to put U.S. taxpayers ahead of freeloaders.

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