03-18-25 RSO Slibe AM

Today’s News!

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Melania Trump Leaves The Audience Shocked Live Today

Melania Trump confirmed the plan on social media, but the details of her recent announcement have stunned her fans and infuriated her sponsors. Consequently, the sponsors gave her an ultimatum.

So what happened to Melania Trump and what has she done?

Melania had a goal in mind and came up with a proposal that was simply irresistible. Here's what Melania Trump had to say: "I believe it's going to be tough, to be honest, but we’re making some progress..."

Learn more>>


Top News

Trump’s gearing up for a Putin face-off that could slam the brakes on Ukraine’s war mess—conservatives are buzzing as the Don flexes his deal-making magic, ready to show the world who’s boss and end the nightmare with a MAGA-sized win.

ICE just scooped up 200 illegal crooks in Virginia, and conservatives are fist-pumping—Trump’s border enforcers are cleaning house, proving the deportation train’s rolling full steam ahead, leaving libs crying over their sanctuary flops.

Economic Watch

Trump’s tax cuts are firing up small businesses, with retail buzzing—conservatives are grinning as oil prices stay low, but they’re pushing for more tariffs to bury China’s cheap imports and keep America’s economic engine roaring for patriots.

Cartoon of the Day

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Quote of The Day

“No man is above the law and no man is below it; nor do we ask any man’s permission when we require him to obey it.”

 Theodore Roosevelt

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