03-19-25 RSO Slibe AM

Today’s News!

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Melania Trump's Goodbye Shocks The Nation

Melania Trump has made a respectable name for herself as one of America's most respected icons. She is also known for speaking her mind.

In an exclusive interview Melania Trump exposes shocking secret. She went on to say that she honestly didn't expect things to get this big...

Here is what she said: "I know this is a subject that many people don't want to talk about, but..."

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Top News

John Fetterman just body-slammed AOC’s shutdown sob fest with a dose of tough love, and conservatives are howling— the Pennsylvania bruiser’s telling the squad princess to quit crying, a rare Dem win that’s got patriots grinning at the left’s implosion.

Trump’s pulling the plug on Hunter Biden’s cushy Secret Service detail, and conservatives are popping champagne— the Don’s axing this elitist perk for the First Son’s shady antics, proving MAGA’s all about draining the swamp, one Biden at a time.

Economic Watch

Trump’s deregulation spree’s got factories humming, with a jobs bump lighting up the heartland—conservatives are jazzed as gas prices hold steady, but they’re pushing for more trade wins to bury China’s cheap imports and keep America’s cash flowing home.

Cartoon of the Day

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Quote of The Day

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles.” – Theodore Roosevelt

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