04-23-24 RSO Rav Lear PM

Hopefully, you’ve been preparing yourself because this problem is accelerating right before our very eyes…

The U.S. Central Bank has been quietly stockpiling gold over the past few weeks. They won’t admit that the U.S dollar is in a free fall.

We recently have seen the first real indications that the U.S. Dollar is in a real decline

Let alone we have the US dollar being challenged by BRICS.. A new economy that will no longer be backed by the US dollar…

To put how fast things are moving., GAZPROM-Russia’s third biggest oil producer announced “the company has completely stopped accepting the US dollar as payment.

The dynasty of the U.S. dollar is coming to an end.

And when you have a Fed with a massive balance sheet that can and will continue to print money — It’s only a matter of time before the dollar completely collapses.

To make it worse the collapse is being inflamed by the Israel War… How much more will be printed to defend both sides.

Billionaires have already been making major moves to protect themselves. Even China’s Crypto billionaire is stockpiling Gold3.

But it’s the IRA and 401(k) savers who will be screwed unless they make some major pivots now.

So it’s incredibly important RIGHT NOW to protect your family.

The warning signs are here…

Inside you’ll discover a LEGAL IRS LOOPHOLE that may protect your IRA, 401(k), or pension savings. (Tax and Penalty Free)

Click here now, because once this crisis hits, it’ll already be too late.

Christopher Coyne

Don’t wait to protect your hard-earned savings. Top economists and billionaires are predicting that the dollar could collapse before the end of 2024 - Get informed and prepare now before it’s too late.

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