05-24-24 RSO News Mid Day

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It’s your mid-day news…and we have some more info to share with you to ensure you know all that’s going on!

What DId Justice Alito Just Do? Shocking…

Breaking News

SCOTUS Justice Alito Did WHAT During Bud Light Boycott?

As a conservative Supreme Court justice, Samuel Alito gets a lot of flak from the political left.

The most recent came when CNBC reported on Monday that Alito had sold off a bunch of his AB InBev (Anheuser-Busch) shares last year during the height of the Bud Light controversy and boycott. Alito then turned around and spent the same amount on stock from Bud Light's rival Molson Coors.

Now, you and I know this is just a man being financially savvy. But for leftists, this was apparently a "political" statement/activity.

Luckily, a number of lawyers disagree…

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Strange Facts to Wow Your Friends

Ever need a conversation starter? We have some strange facts that you can toss out whenever you need them!

  • Cucumbers can cure bad breath.

  • More than 70 species of mushrooms glow in the dark.

  • Crows can remember the faces of individual humans and hold a grudge.

  • Another term for nieces and nephews is niblings.

  • Only 28 different hairstyles/cuts are allowed in North Korea.

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