06-01-24 RSO News PM

A Look at Trump’s Media Coverage & Dream of a Vacay

Your Late Night News

Before you log off, before you go to bed…you should read on to see what we have to share. We’ve got some more news for you to digest and even a place for you to dream about visiting…Read on!

Quote to Live By

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”

Martin Luther King Jr.

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They say Russian President Vladimir Putin has a new weapon at his disposal. And it will likely start WWIII. Check it out here.

Dreaming of Going Somewhere?

How about Cairo, Egypt?

Most people travel to Cairo, Egypt, to view colossal ancient monuments like the Great Sphinx and the Pyramids of Giza. But there is so much more to do in this city. For history buffs, the pyramids are a great start. But you also have to check out Coptic Cairo or the Old City. It’s the oldest part of the city, and it offers legends, centuries-old churches, and biblical sites. 

Tired of looking at the past? Check out the Khan El-Khalili bazaar or relax in Al Azhar Park. Taking a felucca ride on the Nile is always a good idea, too.

A Quick Look at the Latest Tweet

Politicians say the darndest things, and we can’t help but share some of the craziest ones we’ve seen. Check out the latest we found…

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