06-05-24 RSO News Desko AM

How Melania’s Dealing with the “Guilty Verdict” and a Look at How You Eat

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Vault Metal Gold and Silver Group

Warren Buffett Rings the Alarm Bell!

He sees a huge crisis bigger than the 1929 Wall Street Crash
or 2008 Great Recession

"It’s been an ‘incredible period’ for the economy but that’s coming to an end!"

-Warren Buffett 05-06-2024

We are facing the most tenuous financial times since 2008!

Your IRA and 401K retirement accounts can be devastated overnight. The time to act is now!

Scenario: S&P Drops

Imagine you have a $300,000 retirement account with 50% invested in S&P stocks.

The S&P drops 500 points from 5,299 to 4,799. This drop is 9.44%.

YOU LOSE $15,000.00

Imagine a 20% drop, or 30% crash, OR WORSE!

Despite these market warnings few people understand how close we are to danger.

What other Conservative Voices say:

Jeremy Grantham, Co-Founder GMO: Estimates a 70% likelihood that the stock market is heading towards a bubble worse than 2008!

Gary Shilling, American Economist, Investment Advisor, and Financial Analyst: “Recession by year-end means 30% stock market plunge.”

John Hussman, President of Hussman Strategic Advisors: “A 65% stock-market crash wouldn't be surprising.”

Jamie Dimon, CEO JP Morgan Chase: “The chances of something going wrong with the market is higher than people think.”

Ray Dalio, Founder Bridgewater Associates: “We are on the brink!”

We are in the most overvalued stock market in history. A market collapse and recession are only a matter of time.

In 1929’s Black Thursday $14 billion was wiped off the market in a day!

In 2000 the Nasdaq lost 76.81% of its value in less than two years!

In 2008 our stock market crashed 56% in 86 days!

Act Now! When a crash begins, your advisor will not call to warn you!

Between 2009 & 2011 Gold Gained 225% and Silver Gained 470%

Vault Metal are the experts when it comes to helping Americans secure and protect their wealth with physical precious metals.

We don’t know of anyone who beats our pricing!

We present clear and detailed price comparisons before you purchase.

No high-priced spokesperson or commercials!

Complimentary IRA storage. Complimentary, discrete, and insured delivery.

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Best Regards,

Vault Metal

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