06-06-24 RSO NEWS

No Shenanigans for One Restaurant and Weigh in on Pandemics

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It’s your mid-day news…and we have some more info to share with you to ensure you know all that’s going on!

Breaking News

Upscale Restaurant Sets Age Limits and Gets Backlash

Are you tired of all those kids and annoying younger crowds in restaurants? Head to St. Louis, where you’ll find a restaurant that has restrictions designed to keep the drama of youth out…

It’s called Bliss, located in Florissant. And per the owner’s rules, women have to be at least 30 to enter the premises, and men have to be 35.

Naturally, some people aren’t happy but Marvin Pate and his wife aren’t backing down. They wanted a particular clientele and atmosphere at their restaurant. And this rule helps to facilitate that.

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There are two different types of coffee drinkers in this world.. One who likes to drink their coffee black, and one that likes to add a little cream.

However, a very shocking discovery revealed that one of these people are much more prone to damaging their digestive lining and experiencing digestive issues.

And even if you drink coffee just one day a week, you are going to want to see this shocking video.

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Strange Facts to Wow Your Friends

Ever need a conversation starter? We have some strange facts that you can toss out whenever you need them!

  • A snail can grow new eyes.

  • Australia has some pink lakes.

  •  Vitamin D is naturally found in egg yolks.

  • A goldfish kept in a dark room will make it go pale.

  • Want to become an international astronaut? You have to speak Russian.

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