06-11-24 RSO Native Path News AM

FBI Chief Asks for a Shocking Amount of Money in New Budget

Today’s News!

Good Morning! Thanks for taking the time to read our newsletter, and we have lots to share with you!

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Your lymphatic system acts as a one-way detox channel for your body…

It filters and carries cellular waste and harmful bacteria into your bloodstream for your liver & kidneys to process and flush out…

It also plays an important part in delivering essential nutrients all the way from your brain to the bottoms of your feet. 

Over time, these lymphatic channels can break down, age, and congest – rendering them USELESS… often resulting in swollen tissue around your legs, ankles, and feet. 

If you’ve noticed your ankles are a little puffier… your shoes feel tighter… or your socks are leaving a red ring around your ankles…

You may find relief when you feed your body UNIQUE FATTY ACIDS recently found to support healthy lymphatic function… help to remove clogs… and increase lymphatic flow.

As always—to being & staying on The Path together.

-Dr. Chad Walding
DPT, ISSA Nutrition Specialist & NativePath Co-Founder

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