07-12-24 RSO News PM

Guess What? Hillary Clinton’s Trying to Make Another Comeback

Your Late Night News

Before you log off, before you go to bed…you should read on to see what we have to share. We’ve got some more news for you to digest and even a place for you to dream about visiting…Read on!

Quote to Live By

“Imagine all the people living life in peace. You may say that I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us and the world will be as one.”

— John Lennon, Imagine

A Recent SCOTUS Decision Threatens Students' Protections

Last week, the US Supreme Court dealt a significant blow to the administrative state when it ruled in favor of limiting the powers of federal agencies. This landmark decision marks a crucial shift towards restoring constitutional order and curtailing bureaucratic excesses. However, proponents of Big Government are already sounding alarm bells, warning of dire consequences for America's educational institutions.

Amy Laitinen, a former senior policy adviser on higher education, expressed concerns regarding the implications of this judgment: “I'm really, really nervous about what this means.” Her apprehensions stem from the potential loss of federal influence over matters best left to individual states and locales.

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Bad Knees? Don’t Make This Mistake

Did you know that your bad knees could be getting worse because of doing THIS one thing? It’s the #1 mistake that is made in seniors over 60.

A Quick Look at the Latest Tweet

Politicians say the darnest things, and we can’t help but share some of the craziest ones we’ve seen. Check out the latest we found…

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