07-17-24 RSO News PM

Moon Caves Discovered, and What RFK Jr is Eating These Days

Your Late Night News

Before you log off, before you go to bed…you should read on to see what we have to share. We’ve got some more news for you to digest and even a place for you to dream about visiting…Read on!

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“Speech was given to Man to disguise his thoughts.”

- Talleyrand

Moon Cave Discovery Opens Doors For Future Space Exploration

In a groundbreaking finding, scientists have identified a massive lunar cave near the historic Apollo 11 landing site, sparking excitement about the possibilities for future space exploration and habitation.

Located mere miles away from where American heroes Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin made history 55 years ago, researchers believe this discovery may be merely scratching the surface – literally. According to their estimates, there could be hundreds more hidden caverns waiting to be unearthed, providing a natural shield against harmful cosmic rays and extreme temperatures for our brave men and women venturing into the unknown.

Led by Italian experts, the research team utilized cutting-edge technology aboard NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter to detect signs of subterranean cavities beneath the Moon's rugged terrain. By analyzing radar signals bounced off the lunar regolith, they pinpointed a colossal void measuring approximately 130 feet across and stretching dozens of yards deep within the Mare Tranquillitatis region.

This extraordinary breakthrough has significant implications for humanity's next giant leap forward.

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China & Russia Unite With 40 Nations to Drop the Dollar, Change World's Monetary System.

"Former President Donald Trump Sounds the Alarm.
Warns "BRICS Could End the U.S. Dollar."

My Friend,

If this wasn't urgent, Donald Trump would not be sounding the alarm.

The global quest to de-crown the Dollar is resolute, and countries are tabling their tensions to join forces against the United States.

The United States has long been the reigning superpower of the global economy, with its currency -the U.S. dollar- as the world's primary reserve.

However, this year, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President XI Jinping signed fourteen documents uniting the two countries against the United States, and they are about to completely alter the international power system.

In 2019, China and Russia announced their plans to launch a Gold-Backed Digital Currency designed to dethrone and replace the U.S. dollar.

JPMorgan told Reuters they now see "Signs of Emerging De-Dollarization" happening. "There are signs of erosion."

Twenty-one countries this year announced they were ditching the U.S. Dollar for the new digital currency.

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Trump on Fox Business warned that "the U.S. Dollar is losing its dominance."

In fact, in April, Trump said, "China is trying to displace the U.S. dollar as the number one currency throughout the world. If this happens, and under Biden's leadership it probably will, this would be the biggest defeat for our country in its history."

China, one of the BRICS nations, is pushing with everything they have to destroy the Dollar and its dominance and to raise itself as the new world currency.

Pepe Escobar from Consortium News says make no mistake about it, "China's Digital Currency Electronic Payment (DCEP) should be interpreted as the road map for China, leading to an eventual replacement of the U.S. dollar as the world's reserve currency."

Diversification in Gold is critical for retirees. As the BRICS currency gains influence, the PURCHASING POWER of the U.S. citizen plummets—meaning a fixed amount of savings will have far less purchasing power down the road.

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This BRICS is bad for You and the U.S.?

BRICS is backed by Gold. The Dollar and soon coming Digital Dollar is backed by Debt.

Janet Yellen told the Senate Bank and Finance Committee she and Biden plan to take the national Debt to $50 Trillion in the next ten years. We are now up to $33 Trillion. What do you think inflation will be like in ten years?

The silver lining for investors.
If countries switch away from the U.S. dollar and to a gold-backed currency, it could drive up the price of Gold—already at record highs—even further.

This would lead to increased demand for physical Gold, resulting in higher prices and potential shortages. In short, BRICS' adoption of a digital gold-backed currency will spell trouble for the U.S. economy.

What you do next:

Grab your Complimentary Guide here, or Call (888) 411-GOLD(4653) to find out how to get your IRA fees covered for the life of your account and get a 5 oz silver coin on your purchase of $20,000 or more.

A Quick Look at the Latest Tweet

Politicians say the darnest things, and we can’t help but share some of the craziest ones we’ve seen. Check out the latest we found…

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