07-23-24 RSO News Mid Day

Why Gas Prices Are So High in California, and a Look at Where the Secret Service Went Wrong

Check This Out!

It’s your mid-day news…and we have some more info to share with you to ensure you know all that’s going on!

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Digital Money Warning!

Morgan Stanley has said that digital money is shifting us further away from the US dollar – and that could be disastrous for our savings and retirement accounts.

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Strange Facts to Wow Your Friends

Ever need a conversation starter? We have some strange facts that you can toss out whenever you need them!

  • Licking a stamp means that you consume 1/10 of a calorie.

  • Reindeer love to eat bananas.

  • “Jiffy” is actually a real measurement of time – it’s 1/100 of a second.

  • 25% of the bones in your body are in your feet.

  • American car horns typically honk in the musical key of F.

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