07-25-24 RSO News Mid Day

China’s Taking the Lead, and the Pentagon Explores a Strategic Relationship

Check This Out!

It’s your mid-day news…and we have some more info to share with you to ensure you know all that’s going on!

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Is Your Brain Being Poisoned?

What you eat (and don’t eat) matters. If you have vertigo, it may be as a result of a brain infection.The good news is that there’s something that you can do about it.

Take a Quick Poll!

Do you think the massive waves of illegal immigration will have a negative impact on wages and earnings?

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Strange Facts to Wow Your Friends

Ever need a conversation starter? We have some strange facts that you can toss out whenever you need them!

  • Jennifer Lawrence learned how to skin a squirrel for the role she played in Winter’s Bone.

  • Lady Gaga once purchased a ghost detector for $50k.

  • There are more chess move variations than there are atoms on the Earth.

  • The tongue of a blue whale weighs more than an elephant.

  • Redheads require 20% more anesthesia than non-redheads.

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