07-26-24 RSO News PM

Deepfakes Thanks to AI are Ruining Society, But They May Get a Pass…

Your Late Night News

Before you log off, before you go to bed…you should read on to see what we have to share. We’ve got some more news for you to digest and even a place for you to dream about visiting…Read on!

Quote to Live By

“I love entrepreneurship because that’s what makes this country grow, and if I can help companies grow, I am creating jobs; I am setting foundations for future generations. It sends the message that the American Dream is alive and well.”

—Mark Cuban

The Rise of Deepfakes: Uncharted Territory for Free Speech?

Imagine waking up on election day only to find fake news circulating about violence at your local polls. Or receiving distressful messages from friends who've been victims of manipulated pornography created using artificial intelligence (AI). These scenarios may seem far-fetched, but thanks to rapid advancements in AI-generated content – known as "deepfakes" – our digital lives stand threatened.

Law enforcement agencies struggle to keep pace with the proliferation of fabricated audio-visual materials online. Meanwhile, celebrities face unauthorized impersonations through synthetic voices mimicking theirs without permission. As lawmakers scramble to address concerns around privacy and authenticity, human rights organizations surprisingly argue against stricter regulations on grounds of free speech protection.

Brian Hauss, Senior Staff Attorney at the ACLU's Speech, Privacy, and Technology Project, believes that hasty legislation risks infringing upon fundamental liberties:

"Anytime you see large waves of bills attempting to regulate a new technology across 50 different state legislatures and God knows how many community ordinances, there's going to be a fair number of them that draw the lines incorrectly."

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Captain Sam Brown, a retired Army vet has sacrificed everything for his country, and now President Trump is making sure that his Senate campaign gets the funding that it needs.

A Quick Look at the Latest Tweet

Politicians say the darnest things, and we can’t help but share some of the craziest ones we’ve seen. Check out the latest we found…

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