07-29-24 RSO AM

Chipotle Accidentally (Supposedly) Shrank Your Portions

Today’s News!

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Are Your Chipotle Portions Getting Smaller?

If you’ve gotten a Chipotle burrito or bowl recently and wondered why it looks so small, you’re not alone. It’s an issue being found across the entire chain.

At issue here isn't just public perception; rather, it speaks directly to trust between consumers and brands. Soaring high above these concerns stood Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Brian Niccol, steadfastly refuting claims suggesting deliberate shrinkage within the organization:

"First, there was never a directive to provide less to our customers," Niccol declared resolutely during last week's quarterly conference call. He emphasized, "Generous portion is a core brand equity of Chipotle. It always has been, and it always will be."

Despite vehement denials, mounting dissatisfaction compelled Niccol into action. By scrutinizing operations closely, management pinpointed roughly ten percent of outlets requiring additional guidance regarding correct preparation methods. This proactive approach aims to standardize quality control measures throughout the entire network spanning approximately 3500 establishments worldwide.

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Your Retirement is Being Ripped Off!

Did you know that there are current schemes designed to take your retirement away from you? There are 3 steps that you can take to secure your retirement.

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