07-30-24 RSO News PM

Warren & Harris Discuss Letting ALL the Illegal Immigrants Stay

Your Late Night News

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— Albert Einstein

Senator Elizabeth Warren Stuns Nation With Call For Mass Amnesty

Massachusetts Democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren openly advocated for granting U.S. citizenship to millions of undocumented immigrants currently residing within our borders during a recent interview with CNN anchor Jake Tapper.

When questioned regarding potential pushback towards fellow democrat Presidential hopeful VP Kamala Harris’ handling of the ongoing border catastrophe (which President Joe Biden had entrusted her to resolve), Warren made some startling admissions:

“Border crossings now are lower than they were in the last year of the Trump administration,” Warren claimed. “But recognize—and I know that Kamala Harris knows—this is a problem that ultimately has to be solved by Congress.”

However, things took a drastic turn when Warren proceeded to outline her vision for addressing the situation: “We need the tools in order to have more resources at the border, to have more resources in the states and cities that are supporting migrants. And I believe we need to create a pathway to citizenship. All of that is part of what we need to do for comprehensive immigration reform. Kamala Harris will work with Congress and get that done.”

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