08-02-24 RSO AM

Ted Cruz Reveals His Plan for Education in the US

Today’s News!

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Senator Cruz is Working to Shield Schools from the CCP and Other Adversaries

Senator Ted Cruz of Texas is set to introduce a pivotal piece of legislation on Monday. The bill, known as the Transparency in Reporting of Adversarial Contributions to Education (TRACE) Act, is designed to fortify U.S. schools against the insidious influences of China and other hostile nations.

Crafted by Cruz, the TRACE Act mandates that educational institutions must empower parents with the tools to "trace" any curriculum influenced or funded by foreign entities. This initiative underscores a critical need for protective measures within our educational system; as Cruz articulates, "American adversaries see the younger generation as a ripe target."

Senator Cruz did not mince words when discussing the motivations behind the legislation, stating, "The Chinese Communist Party exerts vast resources to control what Americans see, hear, and ultimately think." He highlighted the ongoing efforts by the CCP and other foreign adversaries to infiltrate American educational institutions. The TRACE Act, according to Cruz, will "give parents the transparency they need and deserve, and help safeguard classrooms from foreign influence."

The urgency of this issue is further exemplified by the CCP's controversial influence through platforms like TikTok, which has faced significant scrutiny for its role in shaping the perspectives of American youth.

Regardless of who wins the election, it could take YEARS before the economy bounces back. What will that do to the various assets in your portfolio? Gold is the only asset that’s truly performing at an acceptable level.

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