08-06-24 RSO News PM

A Battle of Gun Ownership is Arising in Florida

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Quote to Live By

“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it.”

– To Kill a Mockingbird

Gun Rights Activist Group Takes Aim At Unconstitutional Open Carry Ban In Sunshine State

As we continue to witness the erosion of individual liberties across various aspects of American life, there remains hope amidst the chaos - particularly when courageous organizations stand tall against oppressive laws infringing upon fundamental human freedoms. One such beacon shines bright today as Gun Owners Of America takes bold action toward dismantling Florida's draconian prohibition on openly carrying firearms.

On Monday morning, Gun Owners Of America filed suit in the United States District Court For The Southern District Of Florida, seeking judicial intervention declaring the archaic 1893 gun control measure patently unconstitutional. This antiquated edict renders illegal the act of bearing weapons visibly, either directly on oneself or nearby ("on or about"), effectively gagging responsible individuals exercising inherent self-defense prerogatives guaranteed through the sacrosanct Second Amendment.

According to legal documents acquired exclusively by Fox News Digital: “Despite its reputation as a largely gun-friendly state, Florida inexplicably continues to prohibit the peaceable carrying of firearms in an open and unconcealed manner.”

Furthermore, “This blatant infringement of the Second Amendment right to bear arms runs counter to this nation’s historical tradition and would have criminalized the very colonists who openly carried their muskets and mustered on the green at Lexington and Concord to fight for their independence.”

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