08-20-24 Phytage MG RSO AM

One Swipe of Kamala’s Pen, and She’ll Send You to Jail

Today’s News!

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Harris Warns About the Power of Her Pen

Kamala Harris has adopted a strategy reminiscent of Barack Obama’s “pen and phone” approach, wielding her authority to impact lives with alarming ease. In her own words, she reflects on the power she holds:

“I learned that with the swipe of my pen, I could charge someone with the lowest level offense. And because of the swipe of my pen, that person could be arrested; they could sit in jail for at least 48 hours, could lose time from work and their family, and maybe lose their job. They’d have to come out of their own pocket to help hire a lawyer. They’d lose standing in their community. All because of the swipe of my pen. Weeks later, I could dismiss the charges, but their life would be forever changed. So I learned at a very young age the power to impact real human beings.”

While Harris claims to understand the weight of her power, her record tells a different story. She has been criticized for her harsh stance on crime, particularly against young black individuals, often imprisoning them for low-level offenses. This contradiction raises questions about her commitment to the very values she espouses.

Harris’s tenure as San Francisco’s district attorney and later as California’s attorney general was marked by controversial decisions that prioritized political gain over justice. She has been accused of prosecuting the innocent to appease donors, notably in the baby parts case, and of failing to disclose critical evidence that could have exonerated wrongfully convicted individuals.

And who knows what she could accomplish as President.

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The Hidden Cause of Tinnitus

If you suffer from a ringing in your ears, you know how difficult it can be to get through the day. Now, there’s a nighttime ritual that you can perform that gets rid of the ringing, and it only takes 7 seconds. Check this out!

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