08-30-24 RSO News PM

Is This EV Plant Not Making the Cut?

Your Late Night News

Before you log off, before you go to bed…you should read on to see what we have to share. We’ve got some more news for you to digest and even a place for you to dream about visiting…Read on!

Quote to Live By

“To be successful, you must accept all challenges that come your way. You can’t just accept the ones you like.”

—Mike Gafka

Feds Reopen Permit Review Amid Water Concerns Over Massive GA Electric Vehicle Plant

In an unexpected turn of events, the US Army Corps of Engineers has decided to reopen the permitting process for Hyundai's behemoth $7.6 billion electric vehicle facility in coastal Georgia. This move follows complaints lodged by the Ogeechee Riverkeeper conservation group, claiming regulatory oversight fell short in assessing the massive factory's potentially devastating effects on local water sources.

It appears that initial applications filed by state and local economic development entities omitted crucial information regarding Hyundai's plan to tap into the Floridan Aquifer System, which is a vital groundwater reserve serving millions across southeastern states. Specifically, these documents neglected to mention the daily withdrawal rate: approximately 6.6 million gallons, equivalent to nearly 25 Olympic-sized swimming pools!

Now under renewed scrutiny lies Hyundai's gargantuan project, which is slated to churn out electric vehicles and battery units on 2,900 acres outside of Savannah starting later this year. Critics argue unchecked extraction could compromise surrounding ecosystems, including natural springs, marshes, and feeder streams essential to agriculture and residential life.

Ben Kirsch, Legal Director for the Ogeechee Riverkeeper, sounded alarm bells over localized risks, saying, "The concentration of that pumping [in] one area...will have some impacts locally, such as on domestic and agricultural wells".

Despite growing unease among locals concerned over depleting potable water reserves, both Hyundai representatives and county administrators insist that the measures taken thus far demonstrate commitment toward responsible management.

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