09-06-24 RSO News Mid Day

An Expose on Vampires Mysteriously Disappears

Check This Out!

It’s your mid-day news…and we have some more info to share with you to ensure you know all that’s going on!

Top Headlines


One thing we have all learned from Trump is the need to fight – for what we believe in. And Democrats are furious about this new collectible coin. Grab yours before they sell out!

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Strange Facts to Wow Your Friends

Ever need a conversation starter? We have some strange facts that you can toss out whenever you need them!

  • September 6 is Fight Procrastination Day.

  • The copper sheets that make up The Statue of Liberty’s outer skin are only 3/32 of an inch thick, about the thickness of two pennies stacked together.

  • Some plants, like the Mimosa pudica (sensitive plant), have leaves that move or fold up in response to touch, light, or temperature changes.

  • Scarecrows have been used for over 3,000 years, with the first recorded use by ancient Egyptians, who placed them along the Nile River to protect crops from birds.

  • In ancient Greece, wooden scarecrows were carved to look like Priapus, a god of fertility, who was believed to frighten away birds and bring a good harvest.

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