09-06-24 RSO News PM

Your Late Night News

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Quote to Live By

“You have to look at leadership through the eyes of the followers and you have to live the message. What I have learned is that people become motivated when you guide them to the source of their own power and when you make heroes out of employees who personify what you want to see in the organization.”

Anita Roddick

Sanctuary City Insanity: Double Homicide Suspect Walks Free Due to Liberal Policies

In a jaw-dropping display of liberal lunacy, a recent viral video exposes the egregious failures of the Biden-Harris administration's immigration policies in so-called "sanctuary cities." A concerned citizen's encounter with a police officer reveals how these misguided laws prioritize protecting illegal aliens over ensuring public safety for American citizens.

The stunning footage shows a brave individual attempting to report a crime allegedly perpetrated by an illegal immigrant, only to be rebuffed by the very authorities sworn to uphold justice. The police officer's astonishing admissions will leave you speechless.

When the concerned citizen mentions the suspect's illegal status, the officer interjects, "Hold on, let’s back up a little bit. First off, we're a sanctuary city. Even if he's illegal here, we cannot call ICE on him."

But wait – it gets worse. When pressed about reporting the offense, the officer responds matter-of-factly, "We don't...because it's a sanctuary city, we do not report illegal, undocumented immigrants." Yes, you read that correctly; in some parts of America, certain people get special treatment simply due to their immigration status.


When Dr. Thomas Summers set out to study the effect of brain waves on personal wealth…

(And how this 7-minute “song” can attract money into your life…)

He didn’t know it would put a target on his back.

After poring over secretive CIA research — Dr. Summer’s findings were so powerful, he said:

A leading neuroscientist for 34 years, Dr. Summers was among the very first scientists to investigate the link between brain waves & money.

Some close associates were lucky enough to test drive his research.

The results?

One instantly paid off decades of credit card debt

One showed up to work driving a brand-new Porsche

Yet another bought a 4,400 square foot home for his family.

But that was just the start…

Now 18,000+ formerly cash-strapped people replaced worrisome bills & debt with their dream home, car & vacation.

It all comes down to activating this tiny power source sitting dormant inside your brain.

It’s completely safe… takes just a few minutes…

And has nothing to do with manifestation, affirmations, or law of attraction.

(Leonardo DaVinci & Thomas Edison spent years trying to unravel its mysteries.)

Discover how this 7-minute “song” can make money start appearing everywhere in your life

A Quick Look at the Latest Tweet

Politicians say the darndest things, and we can’t help but share some of the craziest ones we’ve seen. Check out the latest we found…

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